Tuesday, 19 January 2016

VO2 Max And Everything You Need To Know About It

Hi all,

Mark here from Alltone Fitness and BNG Boot Camp & group fitness bundoora. In this week's blog I will be discussing what is VO2 Max and ways on improving it . VO2 max has been defined as "the highest rate of oxygen consumption attainable during maximal or strenuous exercise". Basically it is a measure of cardiovascular fitness.

As exercise intensity increases so does oxygen consumption. However, a point is reached where exercise intensity can continue to increase without the rise in oxygen consumption. Once we reach the point at which oxygen consumption plateaus we then can define this as an individual's VO2 max or their maximal aerobic capacity. Aerobic power, aerobic capacity and maximal oxygen uptake are all terms used interchangeably with VO2 max. It is usually written measured in millilitres of oxygen per kilo of bodyweight per minute: ml/kg/min. It is mostly shown relative to body weight because oxygen and energy needs differ relative to size.

Training for 30 minutes, 3 times a week over 6 months at 75% of aerobic power can increase VO2 max an average of 15-20% , Recent research suggests that genetics plays a role in how well any one individual responds to cardiovascular endurance training and weight loss. This is why we often can see bigger differences in VO2 max training amongst beginners of the same age and fitness levels.

The extent of which VO2 max can improve with fitness training also depends on the person's starting point. The fitter an individual is to start with, the less potential there is for an increase as they have most likely hit their upper limit earlier on. Resistance training has little effect on VO2 max. even when short rest's are used between sets and exercises.

A large amount of cardiovascular fitness training is needed to reach our upper limit for VO2 max. However, much less is required to maintain it. Runners and swimmers have reduced training volumes by 60% for a period of 15-21 days prior to competition with no reduction in their VO2 max.

We can determine our VO2 max through a number of physical evaluations. These tests can be direct or indirect. Direct testing requires much more sophisticated equipment which is why indirect testing is more widely used in fitness centres. Some are more reliable and accurate than others though none of the indirect methods have the accuracy of direct testing. Some indirect tests to determine VO2 max are the beep test, bike test, ( bike needs to have a test function for this) 2km row test or 12 min treadmill run.

VO2 max decreases with age. The average rate of decline is usually around 1% after the age of 25.
The decline in age-related VO2 max usually can be accounted for by a reduction in maximum heart rate. Some fantastic aerobic exercise exercise to help increase your VO2 max are, bike riding, jogging, swimming or rowing. Remember though, you don't want to spend countless hours riding, running or swimming. 15-20 min of HIIT aerobic training with a ratio of 1:4 or 1:3 would be the way to go! If you have any further questions in regards to today's blog you can email me at info@alltonefitness.com.au

Mark - Alltone Fitness Personal Training 

Thursday, 7 January 2016

6 Ways To Help You Keep Your New Years Resolutions

At some point we have all made new year's resolutions and broken them. We often set unrealistic goals or pressure on ourselves to eat healthier, losing weight, become fitter, stress less and the list goes on and on. Is it that we place time restraints on these goals that we failure? Or is it just becuase we actually don't take the time to think about what it actually is that we want out of life? It is important to remember that one minor set back is not a total write off.
Why not make this year's resolutions stick.
Here are my top 6 ways to help you keep on track.


Don't set a goal that is unrealistic or you cannot keep. For example, telling yourself  you are never going to eat your favorite food again is setting you up for failure. Try changing your goal to - I will only eat my favorite food once per month.


People who plan their resolutions on New Year Eve or mid way through January are more likely not stick to their goals. Don't plan your resolutions on new year's eve after a few drinks. Planning ahead is crucial and gives you time to reflect back on your year while thinking about the direction you would like to take in the year to come.


Being realistic means knowing that their will be temptations to skip that boot camp class or cancel your personal training session. Have a action plan in place for those times you feel like giving up. Call a friend for motivation, practise positive thinking, or simply tell yourself the negative effects this will have on your goals.


Keep track at each small success milestone. Whether its through weight loss, being able to run that extra distance, lifting more weight in the gym. Tracking your progress is a sure way to keep you motivated and successful in conquering your resolutions.


Tell yourself the occasional slip up is not the end of the world. Obsessing over slipping up will do no good for achieving your goals. This is where some positive self talk can do wonders. Create a mantra that is short and sharp like " I CAN DO THIS " ONE SLIP UP IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD" I WILL GET BACK ON TRACK"


If losing weight or becoming fitter is your goal, then join a outdoor group personal training session, gym, or book in with a personal trainer. Having the guidance of a fitness professional who will push you that little further can mean the difference between success or failure.