Monday, 29 September 2014

Butts n Gutts Boot Camp Week 3

Hi Gang, Mark here from Alltone Fitness

We are now well and truly into our third week of Butts n Gutts boot camp and boy it’s been an action packed 3 weeks with everyone pushing themselves and already starting to reap the rewards.
We love to mix things up at Butt n Gutts boot camp changing the focus from muscular endurance to cardiovascular efficiency, improving muscle tone and muscular strength from session to session.
A typical session could incorporate a number of drills coupled with challenging yet fun exercises. Working together in a team environment is a big priority at Butts n Gutts, this allows the group to bond and also feel a sense of achievement working together. All our sessions are carefully designed by our highly qualified and certified boot camp instructors. All our sessions cater for the highly fit individual to the injured or not so fit person making it the perfect exercise platform for everybody. Below is a typical circuit we would do during one of our boot camps in the Bundoora and Greensborougharea.

Working in Pairs

Person A) Squats while Person B) runs to a number of set makers, each maker has a specific exercise with reps. Person B performs those exercises and then runs back to their team mate and swaps over. If Person B is injured or has difficulty running then they will walk or slow jog to the makers.
This is repeated for 2 rounds.

There you go! Sounds fun hey lol…
Want to get fit for summer? Then Butts n Gutts is for you! Come and try our boot camp for free! You got nothing to lose… Actually you have plenty to lose, body fat that is lol
Contact us now! Butts n Gutts is held at Binnak Park in Watsonia North

Over n Out - Mark :-)

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

You need to start Squatting now!

H there, I hope everyone is having a great week!
Mark here from Alltone Fitness. In today's Blog I will discuss the importance of Squatting 
and why everyone should be performing them.

Just as we should all be eating the foods we were designed to eat, we should also be moving our bodies the way they were meant to move. This is where the squat comes into the equation. In a squat your hips flex, knees bend and ankles dorsiflex in order to rest comfortable. However in this modern world of creature comforts like chairs, sofa's ect ect we often forget this vital functional move we were designed to do. Now before you yell out "why should we squat when we now have chairs?". I know chairs are more comfortable though they do not challenge the way our joints move or place any effort on our glutes or core. Now I don't expect you all to ditch your chairs and squat in the office, that would be unrealistic. However, from time to time try squatting for a few mins instead of sitting and notice all the muscles that become engaged. Remember growing up a child? We would often squat and play on the floor for hours...
Squatting makes you stronger as it hits a number of muscles in the one move, strengthening your glutes, hamstrings, quads, core, lower back making this the perfect exercise to improve your functional strength. Squatting also improves bone mineral density along with strengthening the knee joints protecting you from knee injuries. This occurs as all the ligaments and tendons are forced to strengthen around the knee joint when squatting. So next time your in the gym make squats a staple in you program, your body will be thanking you for it. 

Want a fun and active boot camp in the greensborough, bundoora and watsonia area? 
Come and try butts n gutts boot camp for free! Visit fpor more info!


Monday, 15 September 2014

All Systems GO! Butts n Gutts has commenced!

Hi all

So far it's been a crazy week for me as Butts n Gutts boot camp officially commenced yesterday (Monday 15th September.) Despite the poor weather we had a great turn out and everyone was super keen to kick start their week on a fitness high.
Our first session consisted of a fitness test. After our warm up participants paired up where they each performed 1min of maximum push ups. Followed by maximum plank hold and finished off with the good old beep test. We then performed a square circuit consisting of strength training and body weight exercises. I was totally blown away with the enthusiasm  and how hard everyone was working. I am really pumped for the week that lies ahead and cant wait to meet the remaining participants. Anyway better run, too much to do.

Yours in health and fitness


Monday, 8 September 2014


Hi my name is Sarah-Jane, or SJ for short. I will be taking the Wednesday night Butts n Gutts boot camp. I am originally from Canada and moved to Australia to attend medical school at the University of Melbourne. I am currently in my final year.

Growing up I was an avid water skier, competing in the Canadian National water ski championships since the age of 7. I have won numerous Canadians title and set national records for my age divisions. When I was 18 I competed for Canada at the Can-Am games and was offered a full athletic scholarship to the University of Louisiana (USA). In addition to that I was the Alberta Provincial Junior Water Ski Coach from 2009 to 2010. In the winter I usually play ice hockey and competed on the top women’s team in my city back in 2010 prior to moving to Australia. Since moving here I have taken up field hockey but unfortunately due to an injury am no longer playing. This year my fitness focus has been on rehabilitation.

I have been involved in the fitness industry since 2010 when I got my Personal Training certificate in Canada through Can-Fit-Pro. I have been working as a gym supervisor/personal trainer at La Trobe University Sports Centre since 2012. Last year I decided to get my certificate in group exercise through the Australian Fitness Network. I also run boot camps, boxing and freestyle weight classes at Latrobe University.
.  I look forward to meeting you all at Butts n Gutts SJ

Butts n Gutts commences this Monday 15th Septmeber at Binnak Park in Watsonia North.
Visit for more details or book your free session at

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Butts N Gutts Boot Camp

Well hello it's Mark here again for this week's blog.

It's finally here, no i m not talking about the AFL finals.

Im talking about spring! woohoo!

With spring comes warmer weather, and with summer being only around the corner now is the time to shed those excess winter kg's. Now be honest, who doesn't want to look and feel great in the warmer months? I do, that's for sure! With spring see's my personal training work schedule go through the roof, along with the commencement of our fun and active Butts n Gutts boot camp in the Bundoora and Watsonia area. I'm so pumped and can't wait for Monday 15th September as this will be the first boot camp for this Spring. Our boot camp training will consist of resistance, core, cardio, boxing and agility training, all rapidly improving overall fitness.

The response has been over whelming. My days have been long, though when you love your job it doesn't bother you at all. Preperatipons are well under way, I have started preparing sessions, emailing enrollment forms, ticking off final checklists ect. So very exciting! Checkout the website

Anyways, need to run to much to do

Over and out

Mark - Alltone Fitness