Hi all,
In this week's blog I will be going over and instructing proper technique on the following exercises:
1. Barbell Squats,
2. Barbell Deadlifts
3 Plank
4. Seated Rows.
If performed correctly these exercises are fantastic for strength and conditioning, gaining greater functional strength and improving your posture. If performed incorrectly we put ourselves at risk of injury along with adopting more lifting patterns. One of the main reason's I decided to write this blog on exercise instruction is due to the constant witnessing of poor technique I see on a daily basis. Whether it's in the gym, at boot camp reservoir or in a personal training reservoir session. The risk we place our body's under each time to perform an exercise without engaging our core, maintaining neutral spine etc, can have a profound impact on the way we move and function on a daily basis. I hope you find find the following exercise instructions useful and hopefully assist you with improving your technique.
Barbell Squats
Set Up point:
- Feet shoulder width apart
- Toes turned out slightly
- Neutral Spine posture
- Bar Across upper traps
- Keep upper back tight (retract shoulder blades)
Movement Points:
- Head and chest up
- Hips move out and down
- Keep your heels down
- As you descend screw your feet into the floor
- Ankle / knees / hips in alignment
- Descend down to the floor keeping a neutral spine and chest up
Common Errors:
- Heel lifting off the floor
- Knees travelling excessively forward over toes
- Head and chest dropping
- Knees buckling inwards on the descend
- Losing your neutral spine ( rounding of the thoracic spine)
Barbell Deadlift
Set- up Points:
- Take all the slack out of the system (engage glutes and core before setting up for the deadlift)
- Feet around hip to shoulder width apart
- Bar close to the shins
- Feet screwed into floor
- Core tight
- Shoulder blades retracted and pointed down
Movement Points:
- Driving feet through the floor commence lifting the bar letting the hips and knees extend at the same time.
- Bar remains close to the shins
- Heels down into the ground
- Shoulders remain over the bar
- Stand nice and tall at lock out
- Lower the bar to the floor keeping it close to the shins and maintain a neutral spine until the bar lightly touches the ground
Common Errors:
- Poor posture at starting position of movement, lower back rounded.
- Bar too far out in front of feet
- Shoulders not over the bar
- Hip extending faster than the kness
- Rounding the back at any stage of the lift
- Bending arms to help pull the bar up
Set up:
- Arms bent at 90 degrees with elbows directly beneath shoulders.
- Feet hip width apart.
- Neutral spine posture
Movement Points:
- Brace Core pulling your belly button into your spine
- Keep glutes engaged the entire time
- Focus on your breathing.
- Keep a neutral spine
Common Errors:
- Hips in the air
- Hips and lumbar spine sagging
- Head not in neutral alignment (looking up or down )
- Disengaging glutes and core
Seated Rows
Set- up Points:
- Feet on plate, knees slightly bent
- Arms fully straight
- Neutral spine posture
Movement Points:
- Commence movement by pulling the handles towards you stomach
- Keep the elbows close to your sides
- Finish with elbows pulled in line with your torso and squeeze your shoulder blades together.
- Keep your torso in an upright position.
- Return the handle to the start position without leaning forward from the lumbar spine.
Common Errors:
- Leaning forward form your lumbar spine
- Pulling the handles into your chest while shrugging your shoulders.
- Not finishing the pull with your shoulder blades fully retracted.
So there you have it, I hope that was helpful, and possibly pointed out any common faults you may be guilty of. Next time you are in the gym bundoora or out doing your boot camp greensborough try and remain mindful of these key teaching points.
Mark - Alltone Fitness Personal Training Greenborough & BNG Boot Camp Reservoir, Greensborough, Mill Park, Bundoora